Safety & Physical Security Services

To aim high you need solid foundations
The aim of the department is to ensure that all companies in the Mediobanca group adhere to all measures designed to contain potential risks to physical security and protect and safeguard the company and its employees. The department is composed of two sub-departments responsible for two complementary areas. The Safety sub-department oversees health and safety in the workplace, with a focus on injury prevention, while the Security sub-department is responsible for analysing, designing and enacting strategies designed to prevent, deal with and overcome any malicious and/or involuntary events that could harm the material, immaterial, organisational or human resources belonging to or needed by the company.

Safety Service

We are responsible for coordinating and managing all activities in order to ensure safety regulations are upheld across all legal entities pertaining to the Group. The first stage consists of an analysis of the risks intrinsic to the various organisations, after which we provide relevant support documentation.

As regards safety regulations, together with other relevant departments we work with the head of the Prevention and Protection Service around risk assessment, the organisation of site visits to all company facilities and the provision of documentation. We organise training activities for employees and provide support to direct and indirect health surveillance activities, in collaboration with the company medical team.

Physical Security Service

We analyse and plan measures to prevent and tackle potential aggression in order to limit damage to real estate and personnel. To do this, we use internal and external resources, prepare documentation supporting our containment policy, provide specialist training and install and maintain technology/equipment and facilities oriented towards security. We oversee the processes and management system pertaining to access control for the Mediobanca Group.